

I have been working on staying more positive. Why shouldn’t I be? I have been do blessed with my life.
Well today it was extra hard to stay positive.
We were getting ready to leave the house, so I call the dogs inside. Come to find out, my huge stupid Rottweiler hopped the fence into the neighbors yard, again. We have fixed the fence five times now, and our neighbors hate us. And I can’t blame them!
I packed up the kids and drove and got our dog with a million apologies. Then my husband got mad at me because she hopped the fence!
So, not only do I have the worst behaved dogs on the planet, but my husband is in denial about it. They are his dogs, not ours. I cannot train them or leave them outside for extended periods of time. If we ever get a divorce it will be because of the dogs. The Rottweiler sheds really bad because she has skin allergies. I would have to sweep my house multiple times a day to keep it clean. I don’t have time for that. And the other dog likes to go to the bathroom in the house at night and does a multitude of other ridiculous things. They have made me hate animals. It’s sad really.

So then my 18 month old daughter had a doctors appointment. It was very close to nap time and it went longer than we thought. As we were leaving she tried to go play in the playhouse again. I told her no, we had to go get sissy from grandmas house. Well, she threw the biggest and loudest tantrum ever. She dropped to the ground screaming and kicking. I just stopped and thought for a second about leaving her there and pretending she wasn’t my kid. I honestly have never experienced her do this, let alone in a public place. She will cry when I say no. Or get mad and pout. I have NEVER seen this. I was in shock, until I realized the entire waiting room was staring at us. I quickly picked her up and walked to the door as she screamed bloody murder. We got outside, and I looked at her with my angry mom look and said sternly, “do NOT EVER do that again.” She stopped crying until we got in the car. It was so embarrassing. I had not been prepared for that one. I have a sweet girl not a little brat, or so I thought.

Then my husband informed me that his pay check was $250 short, because he bought some tool through his work. (That he’s only used once.) He arranged to make payments but they must have forgot. He is a manager and does the estimates for a big construction company in our area. He is very under paid for what he does, and he also only gets paid once a month. Which is so tough! He gets paid on the 1st and we are broke by the 5th every single month. It’s rough. Especially when we didn’t plan for things like people’s birthday parties or needing new tires. God has really provided for us though. We have survived so far. But I don’t want to just survive. I want to be comfortable. Not rich! I just want to have more than $50 in our bank account after we get all our necessities and pay bills.

I also decided today to go back to work part time. It’s not that many hours and it’s at night so I won’t be missing out on time with my girls. I can’t stand being stressed financially while I can’t do anything to help. So it will be nice to contribute. Even though my husband isn’t crazy about it. We need this.
So that was my day and a little background about my family. Hope you all had a much less eventful and relaxing day.